Infinity War ni secara ringkasnya mengisahkan teori konspirasi Yahudi dari permulaan zaman sehinggalah sekarang.
Bagi yang telah lama mengetahui teori konspirasi Yahudi ini mungkin telah mengenali apa itu Iluminati dan Fremanson. Keseluruhan umat islam percaya bahawa iluminati adalah gerakan rahsia yang ditaja oleh Dajjal melalui agenya iaitu Adam Weishaupt.
Aku rasa ini antara bahan menarik untuk dibaca pada masa sekarang. Tanpa kita sedari, pihak iluminati telah banyak mempengaruhi kita. Salah satunya dipengaruhi dari segi filem-filem yang disiarkan di kaca televisyen.
Iluminati juga bertanggungjawab dalam merancang dan mencetuskan revolusi Perancis, Amerika Rusia dan revolusi-revolusi lain. Selain itu, ia juga bertanggung jawab terhadap perancangan mencetuskan Perang Dunia Pertama dan Perang Dunia Kedua.
Aku paling tertarik dengan cerita memgenai orang pertama yang sampai ke bulan. Bila difikirkan balik macam logik juga bila ada yang mengatakan ia adalah suatu pembohongan. Aku juga tertarik dengan tajuk konspirasi kematian dua orang Presiden USA.
Cuma yang tak bestnya penulisannya nampak macam terlalu copy & paste dari sumber asal. Bahasa Indonesia tidak diolah semula kepada Bahasa Malaysia. Rasa macam baca bahan bacaan dari Indonesia sahaja.
Tapi secara totalnya buku ini agak menarik untuk dibaca. Banyak yang kita tak sedar akan hal konspirasi akhir zaman ni. Ada yang aku sendiri tak terfikir langsung ianya berlaku. Jika ada yang berminat boleh la dapatkan di Bookunia.
Assalamualaikum akak. I enjoyed reading the book as well and I think that Hadi Fayyadh is a great writer but I couldn't ignore the baseless claims he made. I'm an avid Harry Potter reader so I am obviously biased towards the world but I am in no way is trying to pull him down. Regardless of his good intentions, he spread groundless informations about the book, making them false lies and as a reader with knowledge of the real side of the issue, I had to put these out. I don't remember much of the content but I'll list down some things I remembered. Hadi Fayyadh stated the use of black cats. Wrong. There's no one black cat exist in the main storyline. Prof McGonagall's form is black striped cat, Crookshanks is orange and Mrs Norris, which he used the black and white photo of, is actually dust in colour. Next, the use of black. Evil in Harry Potter is associated with green as opposed to black. Next, the ritual the death eaters performed, again, it is wrong. There's no ritual whatsoever been performed in the story. The pictures he used is only the gathering. Lastly, he also asked the readers what is the purpose of having magic in the story. It's a thought provoking question but it is also very useless. The story is about magic, read something else if you don't want to read about magic. That is all I remembered from the book. Again, I'm here to provide real infos, it's upon the readers wether to take in groundless, ignorant piece of writing or doing the research before taking in any of the excerpts. Thank you for reading.
Assalamualaikum akak. I enjoyed reading the book as well and I think that Hadi Fayyadh is a great writer but I couldn't ignore the baseless claims he made. I'm an avid Harry Potter reader so I am obviously biased towards the world but I am in no way is trying to pull him down. Regardless of his good intentions, he spread groundless informations about the book, making them false lies and as a reader with knowledge of the real side of the issue, I had to put these out. I don't remember much of the content but I'll list down some things I remembered. Hadi Fayyadh stated the use of black cats. Wrong. There's no one black cat exist in the main storyline. Prof McGonagall's form is black striped cat, Crookshanks is orange and Mrs Norris, which he used the black and white photo of, is actually dust in colour. Next, the use of black. Evil in Harry Potter is associated with green as opposed to black. Next, the ritual the death eaters performed, again, it is wrong. There's no ritual whatsoever been performed in the story. The pictures he used is only the gathering. Lastly, he also asked the readers what is the purpose of having magic in the story. It's a thought provoking question but it is also very useless. The story is about magic, read something else if you don't want to read about magic. That is all I remembered from the book. Again, I'm here to provide real infos, it's upon the readers wether to take in groundless, ignorant piece of writing or doing the research before taking in any of the excerpts. Thank you for reading.